¡Involúcrese con MEJC!

Rate Payer Clinics: Know Your Consumer Rights!
These clinics will help equip environmental justice communities with knowledge of their rights as consumers and opportunities to interface one-on-one with legal counsel in regards to their individual cases.

From Detroit to Grand Rapids to Sault Ste Marie, we’re organizing for energy democracy. We are building a future where our homes are insulated and our neighborhoods are powered by 100% community-owned, pollution-free energy — where we don’t have to worry about long power outages or seniors living in cold homes, so we spend more time tending gardens, building businesses, and caring for our communities.

2024 Summit: Rooted in Our History, Reclaiming Our Power!
The Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition hosts the Statewide EJ Summit every two years bringing together hundreds of frontline and fenceline activists, allies and accomplices to share stories and strategies for achieving a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future.

News, Press, & Positions
This page contains our contact for news media as well as press releases and policy positions we've taken over past couple of years.

Michigan Justice40 Accelerator
Building off of the successful national Justice40 Accelerator, the Michigan Justice40 Accelerator is a 12-month program that will provide Michigan community based organizations with seed funding, technical assistance, training, connections, and peer support as local groups seek federal funding flowing from the Biden Administration’s Justice40 Initiative.

Research and Reports
Click to learn more about MEJC's original research projects. Cumulative Impact Assessment, EJ Screening Tool, and Equitable Building Electrification.

Clean Air Youth Council
The MEJC Clean Air Youth Council (CAYC) is an educational experience for young people aged 13-17 from Southeast Michigan who are interested in environmental activism. The program is designed to explore the intersections of environmental justice and climate justice while equipping young people with the skills needed to become leaders in their communities.

Movement School
The MEJC Movement School builds the capacity and power of Environmental Justice movements in Michigan through education, narrative shifting, policy advocacy, electoral engagement, community organizing and direct action. This program is for Michigan residents 18 years or older.

MEJC Action
MEJC Action! is a charitable non-profit with 501(c)(4) status sponsored by Allied Media Action Fund.
We are a coalition of diverse communities: urban and rural, Black, white, Indigenous, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Asian, Pacific Islanders, and working class. We convene and work together to engage in electoral politics with a bold climate agenda for Michigan.

The Michigan Alliance for Justice in Climate (MAJIC) functions as the Michigan branch of the larger, national Green New Deal network.
The platform's five pillars work together to create a sustainable future where the people of Michigan can thrive without suffering from the negative physical and economical effects of environmental degradation.